Sunday, November 28, 2010

Living the Beatitudes

St. Francis lived the sixth beatitude which is "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  St. Francis was caring to animals and he was caring to leapers.  Also he cared for and did what he could for the poor.  St. Francis lived the fifth beatitude which was "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."  Francis was merciful to the poor, especially the leapers.  One day, Francis saw a leaper and gave the leaper all his possessions right on the spot. Also, when Francis went to a pilgrimage at Rome he saw how little people were donating to the tomb of St. Peter, he donated all his money to it.  


  1. I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this. See the link below for more info.

